Inside America  [2010]
DirectorBarbara Eder
CastPatty Barrera, Carlos Benavides, Edward K. Bravo, Zuleyma Jaime, Raul Juarez, Roberto A. Perez, Luis De Los Santos
A portrait of teenagers during their last year at Hanna Highschool in Brownsville, Texas. A feature film taking a tougher look on reality than any documentary.
A High School, placed in Brownsville at the Mexican border, is a place of daily tragedies. Cocaine-addicted cheerleaders, patriotic ROTC-students, violent gangs and Mexican girls hoping to marry by the time they turn 18, collide in this story. And yet, they have a lot in common. Together they swear on the American flag, dream of white garden fences and fancy cars. But whenever they leave school, reality strikes them like an incurable disease.
Drawing on her memories as an exchange student in a nowhere town on the US-Mexico border, Barbara Eder explores the dark side of the American Dream.
“INSIDE AMERICA” (2010 feature film directed by Barbara Eder)
Audience buzzZ----
Runtime1:47 (107min)
LanguageEnglish, Spanish
***   IMDb
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